How to Write Ranks and Fractions on WhatsApp


tricks how to write exponents and fractions on WhatsApp - Simple tricks how to write exponents and fractions on WhatsApp , Actually this feature is not a feature of WhatsApp, but belongs to Google Keyboard. Unfortunately, Google Keyboard only provides simple fraction numbers that are most often used, while certain fraction numbers are not available.

1. Write a exponent (exponent)

  • For example, you want to type 23, type 2 on your phone's keyboard, then type 3 (no space) but hold it for a while until option 3 appears, if so, let go.
  • To write cm2, type cm then type 2 (without spaces) and hold it for a while until option 2 appears, if so, let go.
  • To write cm3, the method is the same, type cm followed by the number 3, hold it for a while until it becomes cm3.

2. Write Down Fractions

Suppose you want to make the fraction 1/2, type the number 1 and hold until a choice appears 2 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/8, slide your finger to the right and select 1/2 then release.

The method above is still limited to simple or ordinary exponents or fractions, if you want to make a power or fraction form that is not available, for example 6/5 or 210, it will be difficult.

may be useful..!

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